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Surviving September 11th

Tenth Anniversary of 9/11/2001 Memorial Edition

Dan Holdridge
Surviving September 11th

About the Book

“A cigarette and a clipboard saved my life” begins Dan’s book, Surviving September 11th. Standing only ten feet from the blast of a commercial airliner crashing into the Pentagon, the author shares his personal experience on 9/11/01 to offer the wisdom necessary to navigate today’s troubling world. Surviving September 11th is a journey through surviving our nation’s worst tragedy while learning the beauty of life. Dan challenges his readers to appreciate the life they are living right now, and to appreciate the people around them for the contributions made. This book defies the status quo by claiming that real success is found by living in humility while giving gratitude.

Today 18.8 million people live depressed, terrified by the economy and desperately seeking external answers to “Why am I here?” As we allow others to define us, we fail to find ourselves. Surviving September 11th draws on the incredible power of gratitude and connects it between ourselves, and those we know, to help us manifest our purpose.


If you need a message of hope in this fast paced, anxiety driven culture, this book is calling your name. Surviving September 11th challenges readers to believe that they can live this life of gratitude because Dan has lived it in response to our generation’s Pearl Harbor.


Hardcover ISBN: B006OWS8IO


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